Michaela Ahimsa

Michaela is the queen of listening, for which she uses mainly her heart full of love and desire for a world full of touch and fruit. At university, she studied M.K. Gandhi and applied his philosophy in the Czech Republic. Since then, Michaela has been dealing with this in practice by creating a self-sufficient and non-violent community. She helped with local projects in Kenya, applied various hearing treatments in India, built self-sufficient homes in the USA, and thanks to her responsibility and care, Villa Flora became a prosperous project and a non-violent home.

Now Michaela is dedicated to the development of the business part of the ecovillage, creating a platform facilitating mutual cooperation and has a FruityDay project under her wing.

Hynek Opolecký

Hynek is the king of words & fermentation. He has billions of life-producing bacteria in his estate. In his realm, value is given to development and wholeness. He is creative when it comes to producing various fresh and fermented dishes. He mixes Kombucha, & grows and mixes herbs with fruits and vegetables. He likes to write phrases, sentences and texts. Sometimes he has the desire to dig foundations, break down fences, build walls, houses and greenhouses. In the evening, he likes to connect with people in music, mantras, and songs.

Hynek organizes the events of Vila Flora in the current ecovillage. He takes care of the KombuChaman, Hynkovy Fermenty and Mantramos Projects.

David Shejbal

David is the king of transformation and creativity, inspired by what needs to be repaired, improved and creating beautiful spaces. He brings his creativity into the world through his talent in graphic design. Above all he is loved for his gift of kindness and sociability. Long into the night, he likes to talk colourfully about his adventures in Asia, from where he was called in 2019 to return to his beloved homeland, the Czech Republic, to follow his vision & develop his talents.

David is a gifted graphic artist, multifunctional craftsman and our custodian & caretaker of Villa Flora and the whole farm where we moved.