Are you interested in our products? Do you want to organize an event in our place? Do you want to cooperate with us? Can you think of any way to help us? 

Write us in the form at the bottom of this page.

You can help us with the eco village project financially:

via our Czech bank account:

(CZK) 2001795780/2010 

(EUR) 2201795785/2010

IBAN: CZ0720100000002201795785, BIC/SWIFT:FIOBCZPPXXX

or via PayPal:

Vila Flora z.s.

Balbínova 392/4, 120 00 Praha 2
IČ: 09017381
zapsané v OR vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl L, vložka 73132

Vrábsko, Smetanova Lhota, 398 04


703 371 860


Contact us